Medical Conditions

  • Autism Research-2017 Oct

    In 2017, Treating Autism With Cannabis Now Has Scientific Support. To understand how CBD was treating autistic-like behavior in our mice, we recorded the electrical signals in individual brain cells BACKGROUND: While clinical trials showed that CBD was an effective anti-epileptic in patients, they never investigated CBD’s effects on ASD. In fact, no clinical study has ever looked…

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  • Cannabis in Autism Treatment-2016 May

    in 2016, Leafly How Does Cannabis Consumption Affect Autism? BACKGROUND: In the absence of empirical data, however, is a growing body of anecdotal evidence that cannabis is making children with autism happier and healthier. And some doctors are listening. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis and Asthma Findings-2015 Sep

    Cannabis and Asthma Findings-2015 Sep

    In 2015, Does Cannabis Treat Asthma? BACKGROUND: THC is a bronchial dilator, making it an effective treatment for asthma and related respiratory conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties. CBD decreases inflammation and may cause a reduction in mucus hyper-secretion, a major symptom of asthma. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Osteoarthritis Research-2013 Nov

    Osteoarthritis Research-2013 Nov

    In 2013, Cannabinoid CB2 Receptors Regulate Central Sensitization and Pain Responses Associated with Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine whether activation of the CB2 receptor attenuates pain behaviour in the MIA model of OA pain, and then to investigate the sites of action, and mechanisms by which, analgesic effects were…

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  • Cannabis & Osteoarthritis-2016 Feb

    Cannabis & Osteoarthritis-2016 Feb

    In 2016, Cannabis for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis BACKGROUND: Cannabis has been proven, through both research studies and anecdotal evidence, to relieve the symptoms and sometimes core diseases that plague literally billions of people worldwide. One of the diseases for which is has very targeted efficacy is arthritis. There are two general categories of arthritis: Osteo and rheumatoid. You…

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  • Arthritis Research-2000 June

    Arthritis Research-2000 June

    In 2000, The nonpsychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an oral anti-arthritic therapeutic in murine collagen-induced arthritis BACKGROUND: The therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD), the major nonpsychoactive component of cannabis, was explored in murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). CBD treatment commenced at the first clinical signs of arthritis You can read the full article here =>

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  • Anxiety Disorders Research-2014 Mar

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  • Anxiety Disorders Findings-2017 March

    In 2017, Marijuana Chemical Could Help Fight Anxiety BACKGROUND: Rresearchers looked at previous studies that had examined the use of cannabidiol, also called CBD, which is a marijuana compound that does not give users a high. In some of the studies, researchers had exposed rodents to threatening stimuli to induce anxiety in the animals. The authors of those studies found…

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  • Anxiety Disorders Research-2012 June

    In 2012, Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an anxiolytic drug  A review of studies  BACKGROUND: The articles selected for the review were identified through searches in English, Portuguese, and Spanish in the electronic databases ISI Web of Knowledge, SciELO, PubMed, and PsycINFO, combining the search terms “cannabidiol and anxiolytic”, “cannabidiol and anxiolytic-like”, and “cannabidiol and anxiety”. You…

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  • Anxiety Disorders Research-2011 Jan

    In 2011, Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: using functional neuroimaging. a preliminary report. BACKGROUND: Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) at rest was measured twice using (99m)Tc-ECD SPECT in 10 treatment-naïve patients with SAD. In the first session, subjects were given an oral dose of CBD (400 mg)…

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