
  • Autism Research-2011 Mar

    Autism Research-2011 Mar

    In 2011, Consequences of Cannabinoid and Monoaminergic System Disruption in a Mouse Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders BACKGROUND: Goal of this study, was to use the mouse model to determine the role if any of the endocannabinoid system in autism. This was accomplished using the BTBR T+tf/J mice with autism-like behavioral phenotypes. The behavioral, morphological and…

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  • Autism Research-2017 Oct

    In 2017, Treating Autism With Cannabis Now Has Scientific Support. To understand how CBD was treating autistic-like behavior in our mice, we recorded the electrical signals in individual brain cells BACKGROUND: While clinical trials showed that CBD was an effective anti-epileptic in patients, they never investigated CBD’s effects on ASD. In fact, no clinical study has ever looked…

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  • Cannabis in Autism Treatment-2016 May

    in 2016, Leafly How Does Cannabis Consumption Affect Autism? BACKGROUND: In the absence of empirical data, however, is a growing body of anecdotal evidence that cannabis is making children with autism happier and healthier. And some doctors are listening. You can read the full article here =>

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