November 2017

  • Brain Cancer Research-2001 Sep

    In 2001, Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity BACKGROUND: We show in a longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study that Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the main active compound in marijuana, reduces neuronal injury in neonatal rats injected intracerebrally with the Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain to elicit excitotoxicity. You can read the full article here…

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  • Brain Cancer Research-2001 Aug

    In 2001, Inhibition of Glioma Growth in Vivo by Selective Activation of the CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor BACKGROUND: Here we show that local administration of the selective CB2 agonist JWH-133 at 50 μg/day to Rag-2−/− mice induced a considerable regression of malignant tumors generated by inoculation of C6 glioma cells.  Cannabinoid receptor expression was subsequently examined in biopsies from human astrocytomas You can…

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  • Brain Cancer Study-2006 Jul

    in 2006, A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme BACKGROUND: Here we report the first clinical study aimed at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action, specifically a pilot phase I trial in which nine patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme were administered THC intratumoraly. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis & Stomach Cancer-2017 Jul

    Cannabis & Stomach Cancer-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis & Prostate Cancer-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis & Lung Cancer-2017 Jul

    Cannabis & Lung Cancer-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis & Liver Cancer-2017 Jul

    Cannabis & Liver Cancer-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis in Leukemia Treatment-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Cannabis for Cancer Treatment-2017 Jul

    In 2017, Herb provided a guide to understanding cannabis and cancer treatment. Background: Here’s a guide to give an understanding of cannabis and cancer treatment. Covering the Top 10 cancers – Brain cancer, Breast cancer, Colon cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Lung cancer, Prostate cancer, Stomach cancer & Skin cancer. You can read the full article here =>

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  • Breast Cancer Research-2014 Sep

    In 2014, Targeting multiple cannabinoid anti-tumour pathways with a resorcinol derivative leads to inhibition of advanced stages of breast cancer BACKGROUND: screened for analogues that could co-target cannabinoid anti-tumour pathways (CBD- and THC-associated) and discovered the compound O-1663. This analogue inhibited Id1, produced a marked stimulation of ROS, up-regulated autophagy and induced apoptosis. You can read…

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